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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Note from the Artistic Director

Hello Friends,

                Thank you so much for joining us in our inaugural year.  One year ago we set out to bring new theatre to Tacoma that is more accessible and relevant to the working class. We have been working diligently on this new company with measurable success. We have produced two shows, a month of readings and were commissioned by the Tacoma Arts Council to present several pieces for Art at Work Month in October 2014. We made it into the Volcano’s Best of Tacoma as “the best new inexpensive theatre experience.” 

Last November, we had full readings of six shows that culminated in an evening of selected scenes from those readings, video interviews from some of our founding members and a silent auction. In May, we produced a short run of our first show A Life in the Theatre by David Mamet.  Admission was free.  This preview was a trial run of our mission and ability to build a small base audience.  Managing Director, Christina Hughes, used this experiment as the driving force of her Masters Degree project. In September, we produced our first full run play The School for Lies by David Ives.  This show was a smash hit with close to 5,000 people in attendance over ten performances.  This was a huge undertaking-  balancing a small budget while maintain the high production values that the script demanded.  By closing weekend we were sold out every night.  Thank you for that!

We are now rounding out our first year. Although we intended to produce all six of our original shows this year, we are spreading them out instead.  We have faced many challenges in finding space to perform, which has slowed things down.  However, we are still going to produce the rest of our original season this coming year. The founding members of WCTNW have full time jobs, which puts us right in the middle of the Working Class and alongside the majority of Tacoma. Just because we work hard all week does not mean that we don’t have the time to experience life through theatre. In fact, the working class deserves to be rewarded with live artistic experiences. And that is our goal!

Theatre is not like any other art form. Theatre’s sole purpose is to be experienced by an audience. Theatre is a shared experience that is unique to a moment in time and is only shared by those who are there at that moment sharing in the experience. Theatre cannot be duplicated. This season you are guaranteed a unique experience, in which you are the largest character- the audience!

Thank you for being a part of Working Class Theater NW.

Tim Samland
Artistic Director